Shattering the Shoulds

The Self-Creation School

21-02-2024 • 26 minutos

In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, Self-Creation Coach Leanne Letica discusses shifting from a life dictated by societal expectations, or 'shoulds', to a life led by personal 'coulds'. She explains how this change empowers individuals to live more authentically and achieve deep, personal fulfillment.

Leanne shares her own experience of being bound by 'shoulds' and the impact it had on her life. She also guides listeners on how to 'unmask' themselves, challenge self-imposed limiting beliefs and rewrite their life scripts according to their authentic selves, without conforming to a set of ‘shoulds'.

This episode helps listeners question societal norms, challenge external expectations, redefine success on their own terms, and pursue their true potential and innermost dreams.

Episode Details:

00:00 Introduction: Shattering the Shoulds

01:44 Breaking Free from the Shoulds

04:08 The Chains of Shoulds and Personal Experience

06:21 The Impact of Shoulds on Women

09:38 The Cost of Conforming to Shoulds

13:42 Unmasking Your SELF and Challenging Limiting Beliefs

18:03 Writing Your Own Life Script

18:35 Key Steps to Embrace Coulds Over Shoulds

24:04 Conclusion: Reclaiming Your Narrative

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