The Power of Permission

The Self-Creation School

07-02-2024 • 24 minutos

Leanne Letica, Self-Creation Coach and founder of The Self-Creation School, explores the concept of giving oneself permission to pursue personal desires and dreams. She emphasizes how societal pressures often dissuade individuals, particularly women, from acknowledging and acting upon their own wants and needs.

Leanne encourages listeners to break through societal expectations, rewrite their limiting personal narratives, and authentically align their lives with their passions, values, and purpose. She wraps up the episode by inviting her listeners to join her in her FREE 5-day Week of YES! workshop aimed at empowering women to say YES! to themselves and their dreams.

Episode Details:

00:00 Introduction: The Power of Permission

02:42 Understanding the Concept of Wanting What You Want

04:17 The Impact of Societal Pressures and Expectations

06:05 The Importance of Recognizing and Accepting Your Personal Desires

07:04 The Power of Giving Yourself Permission

08:48 My Personal Journey: From Self-Denial to Self-Creation

12:00 Breaking Down Self-Imposed Barriers

14:16 Rewriting Your Life Story: A Simple Exercise

17:39 Saying YES! to Yourself: An Act of Self-Love

20:45 Invitation to the Week of YES! Workshop

21:18 Final Thoughts: The Choice is Yours

23:24 Bonus: The Self-Created Woman's Manifesto

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