The Axiom World

22-07-2021 • 26 minutos

Walking in a Whistle Blower Wonderland...



Let's keep this kind of thing going everyone! VODAFONE WHISTLEBLOWER REVEALS HORRIFIC CONSEQUENCES OF 5G TECHNOLOGY IN HUMANS. First comes the desire to make humans and computers bio-compatible.  This is sold with promises of a future in which we can all just download skills and abillities into our brains like characters in the Matrix movies.  Sounds great, until it is followed by the plan to enslave them with the same tech.  5G bandwidth is required to facilitate the continuous exchange of  massive amounts of data in full duplex that such a sinister mind control plan would require.  This is why 5G is so important and why it is pushed so hard.  We really don't need it to do what we do currently.  This data would be surveillance information, biological data, DNA data, and programming instructions (digital pharmaceuticals).  This is possible.  Whether or not it ever becomes feasible to implement is the thing being tested here.  The process of making humans electrically conducive transmitters and receivers of data appears to be deadly.  See this : COVID VACCINES COMBINED W/ WIFI/5G CAUSE MASSIVE PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH (UPDATE FROM RICARDO DELGADO) They are doing this with graphene oxide injections disguised as covid vaccinations and the whole pandemic thing is just a ruse to get you to participate in this testing and be the unwitting lab animals.  The reveal here is that the pandemic hoax is cover for this transhumanist testing.  I am less certain that the other plagues he mentions are other examples of the same sort of testing.  He offers no supporting evidence for that and it appears to be an assumption that he just thinks seems reasonable to make.  I see that as more of a stretch.  I am dubious because of when these plagues occurred.  It seems too early a timeframe for such testing to have reasonably happened, but the current implications are well supported.  Thus, he might not be telling us much about history, but he is definitely on to what is happening right now. Covid Vaccines preceded covid.  I want to hear pro-vax people give their explanation of that. Here is the evidence for unethical collusion between Moderna and University labs: CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS REVEAL MODERNA SENT MRNA CORONAVIRUS VACCINE CANDIDATE TO UNIVERSITY RESEARCHERS WEEKS BEFORE EMERGENCE OF COVID-19 Here's the actual documents that prove this collusion: And this brings us to the head of the snake: DR. ASTRID STUCKLEBERGER, PHD - WHO WHISTLEBLOWER CONNECTS THE DOTS: ​ What Astrid explains here is the criminal manner is which the WHO is run and managed and she breaks down for those outside this group the inner workings of the network of people who form the conspiracy we are challenged with today.  Anyone who thinks it is just a 'theory' can now go sit in the corner quietly while the 'grow-ups' talk. This "health mafia" eliminates leaders that won't play ball! 5 DEAD PRESIDENTS IN THE PAST FEW MONTHS... Each refused to allow covid vaccines in their respective countries.   A TOTAL OF 34 PILOTS HAVE NOW DIED IN FLIGHT OR ON THE RUNWAY DUE TO VACCINE RELATED BLOOD CLOTS!  4 DELTA PILOTS, 4 UNITED AIRWAYS PILOTS, 5 JET BLUE PILOTS, 4 BRITISH AIRWAYS PILOTS, AIR INDIA, INDIGO AND VISTARA combined total of 17 PILOTS Why so many dead pilots? Because slaves are prisoners and prisoners don't travel.​ 0 Comments The New Normal…  Isn't



I know it has been about a week since I put up new information here but there has been so much to learn, so many things to share and I have been collecting the most important things to know.  I waited because I wanted to be able to tie a lot of it together for you in one post.   In case you are just finding me, I don't just share information here.  There are a lot of people doing that, (or trying to).  The levels of censorship we see today makes it hard, but I also notice another problem going on.  Yeah, lots of what is being said is repetitive… its not that.  The problem I have with most of these folks is that they also seem to be waiting for someone to tell them what to think about whatever it is they want to show you. Come here to learn about what the REAL dangers you face are. Come here for answers and solutions. Come here to learn how to FIGHT and SURVIVE. WHAT YOU SEE GOING ON AROUND YOU IS A PLANET-WIDE GENOCIDAL DYSTOPIA! ​ I am decisive.  I solve problems.   I strongly urge you to immediately become the same way.  All of you who are in what people like to call "The Silent Majority" cannot afford to remain silent.   I am talking to YOU. ALL OF YOU…   TAKE THE LEAD WHEREVER YOU ARE. Everyone reading this material must either find the courage and confidence to make a huge difference or take a risk and make a huge mistake.  YOU need to step outside that comfortable space you are loitering in and STOP WAITING for someone else to go first.  I am not going to sugar coat it any longer.    From now on, I am not going to waste a lot of time bringing you up to speed on the past year.  I don't discuss Trump or Biden or election fraud.  I don't waste time with religious dogma, or racial differences or other violent gripes.  I don't really want to discuss Illuminati's or masons or gender issues and I don't care if the aliens are coming or already here.  Debating with people on viruses, masks, covid tests and variants is exhausting when I do it and anytime I do that it just feeds the beast.  The entire pandemic crisis is a means to an end…  it is the end of YOU.  Nothing you hear in the mainstream is even close to true, the entire thing is a heinous crime and the largest conspiracy EVER.  Lets just start there.   Scroll down for vaccine death, read through my archives for history and FAQ's and the deeper background and proof of statements I make here because time is running out and I cannot hold your hand or spare your feelings.  I am now going to tell you what is really happening and if you want to survive this please pay attention.  If any of this is hard to swallow, check my research, and don't ask the liars for confirmation.  This takes REAL STUDY, but if you do that you will discover I am telling you the truth.   You either act, NOW, on this information, or forfeit your life.  It is a simple as that. Health issues are important because people are suffering, but that whole situation is going to be a distant second to this, possibly by years end.  The collapse of the US empire has been well underway for close to two years now, but people have for the most part not really felt it.  That is about to change drastically.  Any focus on the "Bourgeoisie"  at this point is a futile effort.  That battle has been lost, I think we managed to get to a few of them to open their eyes, but the rest are on their own now.  The shift in thinking and strategy now must be to organize those who have decided to be around after the coming storm and fill the role of "weatherman".   HYPERINFLATION WILL COLLAPSE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION – CLIFF HIGH CLIP WITH ARTICLE CLIP ONLY Personally, I don't see Cliffs prognostications coming to fruition in August.  It's possible, but I tend to think he's off by a month or two.   People need to understand what the motive is here, because the plan is so extreme.  I realize this is hard for people with normal levels of empathy and compassion to even consider as possible but you MUST realize that the people behind this have none.  They are all literally psychopathic and they have all the money, all the assets,  (and they are driving you crazy deliberately) but they only utilize the power you give them.  SO DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY.  We can take their money later, right now concentrate on VERY LOUD protest and VERY VISIBLE acts of resistance.  Don't give an even an inch.  Ignore EVERY DISTRACTION which means any issue that does not have to do with HALTING 5G proliferation, Nano Chemical proliferation and vaccination efforts.   The next few links will explain how the world is about to be ENSLAVED.  It is easy to see once you understand the real drivers here.   CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS - WORLD IN CRISIS (March 2021) CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS ON CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CONTROL  Part One: THE SOLARI REPORT: 2020 ANNUAL WRAP UP:  THE GOING DIRECT RESET –THE CENTRAL BANKERS MAKETHEIR MOVE WITH JOHN TITUS The pandemic hoax devalues and destroys the country.  The role of men like Tony Fauci is to create the excuse to devalue and destroy the country.  The government is printing all this money, none of which goes to ease pandemic pains.  It ALL goes to their private equity partners, like BlackRock, JP Morgan, Bill Gates and others, to enable them to buy up devalued assets, the real assets, for next to nothing and purchase it with money created out of thin air, money that will be worthless when they finish their shopping spree.  This is a deliberate transfer of wealth out of the private sector and ultimately out of the country.  Those who end up with everything are not beholden to you.  In fact, they are trying to kill as many of you as possible before we catch on or the entire system collapses.  It is at that point they will implement their new system.  GLOBAL ENSLAVEMENT!   This is a financial coop.  Remember who wins financial coops…  The guy with the biggest shopping cart! In 2015, there were 21 TRILLION dollars of undocumented adjustments in the federal budget.  In other words that is all black budget.  In 2018 they passed FASB-56 which took the entire federal budget black.  Right now, a secret committee whose roster is unknown, conducts classified meetings in secret, using a process that is also classified, in which they spend these black funds and everything they print for us to look at is meaningless.  In 2019 alone they added another 35 TRILLION worth of undocumented adjustments.  Over 96% of all gov't spending is undocumented.  What are they spending close to 60 TRILLION in stolen money?  Well, that is more than enough to fund global governance, and once that stolen money leaves the country who then governs YOU?   Without documentation and paper trails, no fraud can be proven.  Keeping two sets of books that big takes enormous resources.  By passing FASB-56, your corrupt leaders made open fascism much easier, and with it the financial accounting standards board legalized organized crime while you watched a media circus that for months only covered the confirmation hearings of Brent Cavanaugh.  FASB-56 PRIVATIZED The US Treasury!  While you learned about Cavanaugh's college escapades, the US gov't, Earth's lone super power with the worlds most powerful military, quietly became the worlds largest MAFIA.   Now, this next link is their endgame.  DON"T SKIP.  WATCH THIS BEFORE IT VANISHES! GOVERNMENT WHISTLEBLOWER FREQUENCY DNA BIOWEAPON CONNECTS TARGETED HUMANS TO A.I. MIND CONTROL GRID I have been following this tech slowly roll out for two decades now.  I realize you may not believe it.  Don't get hung up on whether or not the whistleblower is real or not.  THIS TECH IS REAL!  It is frankly hard to believe such things are possible, but they are, this one guy does not matter at all, and its only because you have not been following this development as I have, for as long as I have, that you may scoff at it.  You are miserably unprepared for this, and if we allow them to use this tech in the way they want to it’s the end of everything.  And there will be nowhere to hide from it.  Here is just some of the proof.  It is NOT science fiction.  Here is JUST ONE, very real company that creates it: GRAPHENE-BASED “NEUROMODULATION” TECHNOLOGY IS REAL: PRESS RELEASE FROM INBRAIN NEUROELECTRONICS DESCRIBES BRAIN CONTROLLING BIOCIRCUITS USING AI-POWERED GRAPHENE - TECH DEVELOPER: LEADERSHIP TEAM: OTHER STAFF: Read the bios of who is involved and what role they are playing.  Look at who they are connected to. On the subject of graphene, here is a link to a stunning July 8 press release from Innerva-Bioelectronics.   I strongly recommend reading the whole release. The first paragraph:   “INBRAIN Neuroelectronics, a company at the intersection of medtech, deeptech and digital health dedicated to developing the world’s first GRAPHENE-BASED INTELLIGENT NEUROELECTRIC SYSTEM, today announced a collaboration with Merck, a leading science and technology company. The aim of the collaboration is to co-develop the next generation of graphene bioelectronic vagus nerve therapies targeting severe chronic diseases in Merck’s therapeutic areas through INNERVIA Bioelectronics, a subsidiary of INBRAIN Neuroelectronics.” (emphasis is mine)   They’re not just talking about “vagus nerve therapies.” This enterprise is an attempt to create a whole new frontier for global medical experimentation and treatment, in order to “cure diseases that are presently incurable.” At the center is graphene.   The phrase “intelligent neuroelectric system” suggests the corporations are planning to superimpose their own automatic nerve inputs and responses, in the body, on top of the body’s natural nervous system. To put it another way, they want to replace “deficiencies and errors” in the natural nervous system with their own catalog of preferred stimuli and responses. If the extreme dangers of this reprogramming aren’t obvious to you, think it through. Take a prime natural physical system that is already automatic and sideline it in favor of a new ironclad automatic system... And you have a running start on an AI Pavlovian human. These people are real, and others, like Stéphane Bancel, the CEO of Moderna, don't mince words.  As you can see from his DIRECT QUOTES, Big Pharma partners like Moderna are not even pretending to lie anymore.  They are telling you EXACTLY what they are up to.   "mRNA is like a software molecule, so it is like software for the body.  The software creates things that create an immune response. We think of it as 'information therapy'."   Bancel calls Moderna's products "OUR operating system". (Not "your" operating system.)   "We set out to create a biological operating system that functions much like the operating system in your computer"   Let that sink in.  What does an operating system do in your computer?  IT CONTROLS IT! "It is designed to be plug and play with different programs."  SUCH AS ?!?  Pay attention to how he describes this at the 58min mark.  They want to create a computer for your  body's cells.   "mRNA is highly programmable, just like a computer, AND WE CAN PROGRAM A WHOLE SERIES OF COMPLEX BEHAVIORS USING DNA MOLECULES." SO… for all you Star Trek fans reading this… Welcome to the BORG collective.   "The EXPERIMENTAL mRNA and covid injections are a form of GENE THERAPY"  Notice he did not call it a vaccine.  I guess he settled that debate for us, eh?    "The world is participating in the largest human trial ever and because of this we will have enormous amounts of data."  Remember who wins a war fought with AI…  The guy with the most data!   The rich get richer and the poor get poorer doesn't even describe this economic disaster.  Retail sales are down 3% while E-Commerce is up 27.6%.  That is an astronomical shift to services.  That is how people like Jeff Bezos can be worth over 500 BILLION.  The game here is for all the marbles, truly.  Sterility is up, death is up, poverty and joblessness is up, sickness of all kinds is up, the vax push is on full blast.  The wealth transfer is full steam ahead as is a rollout of human software to compel and punish while protests or complaining marks you as a domestic terrorist.   In central banking warfare gov't make money out of thin air and militaries make sure people use it.  If our leaders have abdicated their allegiance to the people and the welfare of the country that means we have lost political and economic sovereignty.  Operation Warp Speed was a military directive.  Remember what they do, they enforce central banking policy and the central bankers are thieves.  Now that it is clear who the military really serves it then becomes a reasonable question to ask;  Who controls you now? Even as we pass over 12,000 VAERS reports (1% of the true number in just the US) of next day deaths and over half a million permanent debilitating vaccine injuries, this deadly shot is STILL being pushed on you as "safe and effective", and as we speak the US is financing the capacity for manufacturing 330 million pre-filled syringes!  If you have been vaccinated chances are you are sterile now and likely to be dead within the next 3 years depending on how many times they stuck you and how many nanograms of death were in whatever batch you got.  Whoever controls you, they clearly don't want you alive!   The blind cult-like behaviors we see in the people around us today, who believe covid is real and vaccines will protect them is not all attributable to cognitive dissonance and willful ignorance.  US society is dysfunctional because everyone is immersed in and reliant upon TV, mass media and social media, that is RIFE with propaganda and intentional LIES, and it is all RIFE with entrainment technology that forces behavior in exactly the same way as slot machine software in casinos addicts gamblers.   Some examples:   Here is a new, very interesting advance on net censorship noticed by someone in my research group that involves not just platforms but personal emails.  That needs to be shared.  (and tested)  check this out:   "Did you know I was writing to persons and told them to take vitamin d3 and as it was related to the wuflu the gmail automatically deleted the sentence!  You cannot write about the cornholio V and that supplement, it auto deletes!"   They are really panicking.  If we revolt now they will all be hunted down and put to death and they know it.   US GOV TO CENSOR YOUR PRIVATE TEXT MESSAGES FOR "MISINFORMATION" & FRANCE OK'S MANDATORY VACCINATION ​ BIG TECH "ACTING LIKE ARMS OF THE GOVERNMENT" - SENATOR HAWLEY WARNS "IT'S SCARY STUFF" The latest development with Facebook comes on the heels of reports that the White House is trying the same thing with Twitter, and planning on working directly with cell phone network providers to ‘fact check’ private SMS messages if they contain “misinformation about vaccines.” And it is going to very soon become even worse, as more and more vaccinated people become biological transmitters and receivers as a result of toxic graphene oxide exposure and fall victim to obscenely powerful, covert EMF entrainment weaponry.  And they do not even realize how they are being mind controlled!  People are already being driven crazy and the show of power is just starting.  This MUST end now or all is lost. ​ YOU THINK YOU CANNOT BE CONTROLLED BY FREQUENCY AND VIBRATION??? WATCH THIS EFFECT.  THINK 5G WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?  AMAZON WINS FCC APPROVAL FOR RADAR DEVICE TO MONITOR SLEEP Actual Doc: "radar to monitor people's sleep"? "every 33 milliseconds"? "contactless sleep tracing"? "touchless control of device functions"? "motion Capturing capabilities"? "IN THE 57-64 GHz "?!?  GOOD GRIEF. THIS IS SO POWERFUL AND DANGEROUS THIS  LEVEL OF RADIATION CAN KILL A PERSON IN THEIR SLEEP!  Its a killer app... literally. ​ PROOF THE JABS ARE TOXIC ​ THIS IS GRAPHIC BUT YOU NEED TO SEE IT.    BLOOD CLOTS INSIDE A VACCINATED BRAIN LUCIFERASE BEING PICKED UP BY MORE PEOPLE THAT GLOW IN THE DARK - GRAPHENE OXIDE WILL DO THAT. HIGH LEVELS OF EMF IN THE VACCINATED - THE METER DOESN'T LIE ubscriptions GRAPHENE IN FEMALE HYGIENE PADS LIGHTS LIGHTBULB WHEN WET ATTENTION LADIES:  The government is even in your panties!   CANADIAN DOCTOR: 62% OF PATIENTS VACCINATED FOR COVID HAVE PERMANENT HEART DAMAGE Vaccinated people making this biosynthetic covid spike protein are using the cells in capillary endothelial wall layers to produce it.  These spike proteins are like tiny barbs on the inside of capillary blood vessels that snag platelets and cause clotting.  Dr. Sucharet Bhakdi explains that a D-Dimer blood test will prove this. D-Dimer tests are used to help rule out the presence of an inappropriate blood clot because It shows only new blood clots.  The majority of covid vaccines recipients are quickly coming down with Pulmonary Artery Hypertension Excessive fatigue is a symptom.  This is a progressive condition that worsens with each newly damaged capillary.  Patients diagnosed with this problem normally die of right side heart failure within 3 years because damaged heart tissue does not regenerate. .  COVID VACCINES ARE THE MOST LETHAL MEDICAL PRODUCT EVER MADE SAYS DR. VERNON COLEMAN. HORRIFIC FINDINGS IN THE BLOOD OF THE VACCINATED FULLY VACCINATED PEOPLE 885% MORE LIKELY TO DIE FROM COVID-19 THAN UNVACCINATED In an urgent update marked May 18, Hal Turner notes the connection of SM-102 to chloroform and phosgene, which latter is a poisonous gas which would cause pulmonary edema and the exact sensation of choking which is currently being attributed to Covid: ​ PROOF THE MEDIA LIES ​ “...It is difficult to get the news from poems yet men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there...” (William Carlos Williams) WHO READS THE CRAP?  THESE ARTICLES ABOUT MODERNA ARE EXAMPLES OF TOTAL DOG SHIT (WITHOUT THE GREAT SMELL) "A new study published in the journal science also suggests the virus will likely resemble the common cold in the future."   hahahaaa  I literally can't stop laughing… "recently, a study found that Pfizer's vaccine was effective against the new variants"   "A STUDY"  HAHHAAAA  "when given in two doses four weeks apart, the vaccine was found to be 94.1 percent effect at preventing covid-19 and 100 percent effective at preventing severe disease in clinical trial data."  severe disease"...  AS IN ALL SEVERE DISEASE!  HAHHAAAAAA  IT'S 94.1% (CANT FORGET THAT TENTH OF A PERCENT) AT STOPPING COVID BUT "SEVERE DISEASES" ARE JUST TOAST!  HAHAAAAA ​ VACCINE ADR / DEATH IN THE HEADLINES ​ REAL PEOPLE SPEAK OUT: FIVE JET BLUE AIRLINES PILOTS DEAD, MEDIA INTENTIONALLY HIDING VAXX FEARS TENS OF THOUSANDS OF COVID-19 "VACCINE" INJURED IN THE U.S. BEGGING FOR HELP INSIDE WHISTLEBLOWERS SAY CDC IS HOLDING BACK INFORMATION ON TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DEATHS.   90,000 TO 900,000 AMERICANS MAY HAVE DIED FOLLOWING COVID VACCINES (WHISTLE-BLOWER INFO) EUROPEAN UNION VACCINE INJURY REPORTS SUBMITTED TO EUDRAVIGILANCE AS OF JULY 7th   The newest Israeli data indicate ~complete vaccine failure on every level. Remember: Israel used only the @pfizer mRNA shot and followed Pfizer dosing schedule. This data, from the @IsraelMOH telegram account, show nearly all serious cases and deaths are now among the vaccinated.     ​GOVERNMENT AND HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY CORRUPTION NEWS MASSIVE COVER-UP 45,000 DEAD, BOOSTER PLAN EXPOSED    ​ ​   This excerpt is from The study document is titled "Study to describe the safety, tolerability (which is key here), immunogenicity and efficacy of RNA Vaccine candidates against covid-19 in healthy individuals" .   This document cannot be changed from its original design and plan without another entirely new approval application process which did not occur.  This is the official Pfizer study design documentation which has just been illegally modified to include a phase 3 protocol indicating that human trial study participants (which is NOT a special group but rather EVERYBODY receiving Pfizer covid vaccines) that were previously vaccinated will be given a 3rd and possibly a 4th dose in selected areas in the US under the false reasoning that they would need this to protect them from new variants.  THIS IS A TOTAL LIE!  The vaccine offers NO Immunity to covid or any supposed covid variants and is itself a DEADLY POISON.  This is an extermination plan!!!  Also important to note here is that in the study dosage levels are given to be anywhere from 10ng to 100ng.  100ng!!!!  That is a wide spread and explains some of the variability seen in ADR.  ​These shots ARE NOT ALL THE SAME! DON'T ANSWER QUESTIONS!   DOOR-TO-DOOR COVID SHOT PUSHERS REPORT UNVACCINATED TO GOVERNMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENTS ‘Be sure to fill out the Doorknocking Spreadsheet with the counts of who still needs a vaccine … This is important information that the Health Department is relying on!’  And what do you suppose they are going to do with that information eh?  READ THE OFFICIAL SCRIPT: THE TEN STAGES TO SATAN KLAUS' FOURTH REICH GENOCIDE Three guesses who said this:   "Even crossing a national border might one day involve a detailed brain scan to assess an individual’s security risk".    It was in Satan Klaus’s 2020 book, "COVID-19: The Great Reset"  This clip also contains the truth about the Spanish Flu, which was neither Spanish, nor flu. SCIENCE JOURNALS ENGAGED IN MASSIVE DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN These highly regarded scientific journals got caught censoring important facts and stifling scientific debate, deriding anything that didn’t protect their Chinese interests URGENT NEWS - MODERNA COVID JAB TRIAL ON PREGNANT WOMEN TO BEGIN JULY 22 2021 HINTS THAT CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES WILL BE USED AGAINST UNVACCINATED FAMILIES FEMA CAMPS ARE REAL. THEY ARE STAFFED. THEY HAVE TRANSPORTATION READY. ​ USSA NEWS: DHS TRAINING COURSE: PREPARE FOR MASS PUBLIC QUARANTINE OF UNVACCINATED RURAL AMERICANS   ​ HEADS UP! INTENTIONAL SHORTAGES OF FOOD AND OTHER GOODS ARE BEING MANUFACTURED EXPOSING SARSCOV SPIKE PROTEIN INJECTION PATENTS SINCE EARLY 2000's M-CAM International Innovation Risk Management Chairman Dr. David Martin gives a deposition to attorney Reiner Fuellmich after scrutinizing thousands of patents since the early 2000’s for the SarsCov spike protein injections, naming companies, universities, and major players, including DARPA and government entities. One cannot patent something found in nature, so they created computer-generated genome sequences claimed to be corona-viruses, patented those man-made sequences, allowing patenting the PCR test sequence to detect their contrived sequence, then allowing patenting the jab, comprised of synthetic lab-made proteins to “treat” the contrived, patented coronavirus, detected by the patented test, to detect the make-believe virus, “and then they poison you.” ​ According to him, “outbreaks” are merely PCR test fraud looking for made-up patented sequences using the name coronavirus, SARS, etc. They only exist on paper for patent reasons; the real bioweapon is in the jab, not an actual virus circulating the public. THE DELTA VARIANT, THE UNVACCINATED, THE TWO AMERICAS, AND OTHER PROPAGANDA FABRICATIONS There is no Delta Variant.  Because there is nothing to vary FROM. In other words, as I’ve been proving for more than a year, SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist.  But the vaccine establishment and public health officials are pumping up the Delta hoax in order to convince more people to take the highly dangerous RNA COVID vaccines (genetic treatments).  Their narrative is a threat: in unvaccinated pockets, the Delta percolates and then breaks out, infecting many…followed by a further spread into communities of the vaccinated, where… It can infect even those people. Gibberish! Every covert op starts out with a goal, an objective. Then an action-plan for achieving the goal. Then, the story that will be told to make it seem as if the unfolding actions are “responses to actual events in real time.”  The story about the Delta Variant, for example---from the beginning of the fake pandemic, tales of Variants were always part of the plan, in order to move closer to the goal of universal vaccination. “When we see the scale of the resistance against vaccination, we’ll give them a Variant narrative, to induce more people to take the shot.” “Right. We’ll say the Variant is more deadly and contagious than the original form of the virus.” ​PEOPLE STANDING UP AND FIGHTING BACK ​ 45,000 PEOPLE DEAD AFTER JUST 3 DAYS FROM COVID VACCINE IN AMERICA, LAWSUIT FILED (18TH JULY 2021) US ATTORNEY FILES LAWSUIT AGAINST US GOVERNMENT FOR 45,000 VACCINE DEATHS WITHIN 3 DAYS   (19TH JULY 2021) The Latest  Announcement reveals CDC whistleblower testimony to be included in suit. DC LAWSUIT: VAXXING MINOR CHILDREN W/O PARENTAL CONSENT STUDENTS SUE CA STATE COLLEGES OVER COVID VACCINE MANDATES NURSE THAT HAS SEEN MORE THAN ENOUGH WALKS AWAY FROM HER JOB IN HEALTHCARE GENERAL LABOR STRIKE PLANNED ACROSS US ? A general strike (or mass strike)

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