Arel Moodie: Decoding Burnout Through the Lens of Adult Development

Decode Your Burnout (formerly Optimize Your Life)

03-10-2023 • 41 minutos

Are you a Thinker, a Feeler, or a Doer when it comes to burnout? In this episode, we explore the intersection of Adult Development Theory and the three distinct burnout personalities. Our guest, Arel Moodie, guides us through the stages of adult development, unraveling how our unique personalities and life experiences mold our responses to burnout.

Discover the transformative power of understanding these stages (see show notes for the diagram), gaining invaluable tools to navigate the challenges of burnout and emerge as a stronger, more resilient version of yourself. No matter where you fall on the spectrum – Thinker, Feeler, or Doer – this episode promises profound insights that can empower you to decipher and conquer burnout in your own life.

1) White paper on ego development:

2) Check out Arel’s website:

3) Follow Arel on LinkedIn:

4) Download the diagram of the Adult Development Theory stages here:

5) Download a Copy of the Burnout Checklist:

6) Sign up for a FREE Breakthrough Session with Dr. Sharon:

7) Take the first step to Decode Your Burnout: