Bird Flu update for 06-14-2024

Bird Flu Tracker Avian Influenza A H5N1

14-06-2024 • 2 minutos

Amid reports of bird flu contamination in poultry products, food safety authorities are stepping up efforts to reassure the public about the safety of consuming eggs and chicken. The detection of avian influenza, commonly referred to as bird flu, in some poultry products has raised concerns among consumers. However, experts and food safety officials have stated that avian influenza does not pose a food safety threat when poultry products are properly prepared and cooked.

Avian influenza is primarily spread through direct contact with infected birds, which includes chickens and turkeys. The virus affects the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts of these birds and can be highly contagious among flocks. Despite its virulence in birds, avian influenza has not been shown to transmit through the consumption of poultry products that are cooked appropriately.

Officials emphasize that the cooking process eliminates the virus, rendering chicken and egg products safe for consumption. The recommended internal temperature for cooking poultry is 165 degrees Fahrenheit (74 degrees Celsius), which has been proven effective in killing pathogens like the avian influenza virus. Consumers are encouraged to follow standard food safety practices, such as cooking eggs until the yolks and whites are firm and ensuring that all poultry products reach the appropriate internal temperature to reduce the risk of any foodborne illness.

The risk of avian influenza spreading to humans from eating contaminated poultry is extremely low. In cases where human infections have occurred, they have predominantly been linked to direct contact with infected live birds or contaminated environments, rather than from eating poultry products. Health experts continue to monitor the situation closely and are working in coordination with agricultural and food safety departments to manage and contain any outbreaks among bird populations.

To further prevent the spread of the virus, authorities have implemented rigorous biosecurity measures at poultry farms, including restrictions on the movement.