615: Suzette Mullen – The Only Way Through Is Out

Life (UN)Closeted: LGBTQ+ Coming Out Stories & Advice for living out and proud!

20-03-2024 • 41 minutos

Were you raised to play it safe because you were afraid to cause others pain? Then, you decide to put on a happy face facade and instead of walking boldly through life, you held yourself back. Leaving the “unspeakable” feelings unspoken, until you finally decide to take a leap that might be your only chance to feel fully alive and to experience your new possibilities of what you are meant to be. In her new book, The Only Way Through Is Out, Suzette Mullen takes you on an introspective, bittersweet, and empowering, journey for coming-out and coming-of-age for every human who is longing to live authentically but is afraid of the cost.

About Suzette

Suzette Mullen (she/her) is a memoir and nonfiction book coach, retreat leader, and the author of the new memoir The Only Way Through Is Out, published by the University of Wisconsin Press. Her essays have appeared in the New York Times, today.com, among other outlets. As a book coach, Suzette focuses on amplifying the voices of LGBTQ+ writers as she guides them to find their deeper stories and define their big ideas. Suzette made a big leap personally and professionally at midlife and now lives in Pennsylvania with her wife and their rescue pup.

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